Restoring nature's balance.
Ecological restoration is one of the most rewarding aspects of our work. Our scientists and multi-disicplinary engineers develop comprehensive and multi-faceted solutions that reach consensus between clients, stakeholders, and regulatory bodies. From rivers, streams, estuaries, and coastal areas to complex brackish and saltwater environments—the confluence of our people get the job done.
scopes of work
We've got you covered.
- Restore ecological function to terrestrial, aerial, and aquatic habitats
- Habitat suitability evaluation and design for target species
- Expertise in fish biology
- NEPA expertise (study plan development, Environmental Assessments (EA), Environmental Impact Statements (EIS), and FERC)
- Environmental permitting/regulatory support
- Collaboration with multiple agencies and stakeholders (e.g., USACE, CalTrout, state and federal dam safety offices, state fish and wildlife/game agencies, tribes and first nations, USFWS, USFS, USGS, American Rivers, Trout Unlimited, and Ducks Unlimited)
- Barrier removal for ecosystem restoration
- Stable channel design
- Geotechnical/civil site design
- Habitat feature design, large woody debris, and engineered log jams
- Sediment transport modeling (SRH, HEC-RAS)
- Scour analysis
- Geomorphic assessments
- Fluvial geomorphic assessments and site reconnaissance
- Water control and delivery
- General hydrologic analysis (flow volumes, frequency analysis, flow duration, hydrologic modeling (HEC-HMS), and hydrologic statistics (HEC-SSP))
- General hydraulic analysis (open channel flow, hydraulic modeling (HEC-RAS 1D and 2D), outlet/spillway capacity, stage discharge-curves, and energy dissipation performance)
- Groundwater modeling (MODFLOW and hyporheic exchange)
- Water quality and temperature modeling and compliance (CE-QUAL-W2)
- Habitat suitability modeling (HEC-RAS and PHABSIM)
- Dredging and marine work including beach replenishment/nourishment
- Demolition and hazardous waste disposal
- Watershed planning