& Licensing
& Licensing
Navigating the waters.
From early planning to navigating the regulatory process and through compliance monitoring, we know how to get you there. Our regulatory and licensing team is more than just knowledgeable—they are practical, strategic, and solutions-oriented. Their skills are bolstered by our in-house scientists, engineers and construction professionals who study, build, and commission energy projects daily. Together, we define realistic approaches that lead to a path forward.
scopes of work
We've got you covered.
- Strategic planning
- FERC licensing/relicensing and compliance management
- FERC license surrenders
- Experience with Integrated (ILP), Traditional (TLP), and Alternative (ALP) Licensing Processes
- Direct high-quality relationships with FERC staff
- Intimate knowledge of regulatory requirements (e.g., NEPA, 401 certification, NMFS biological opinion conditions, tribal interaction and associated mandates, land use permitting, and state-specific permitting requirements)
- License exemptions and amendments
- Hydroelectric feasibility assessments
- Engineering services support and design for dams, pumped storage, fish passage, water control/delivery, etc.
- Preliminary permit applications
- Resource study planning
- Resource reporting
- Study program management and implementation
- Early and consistent collaboration with stakeholders throughout the process
- Document management (e.g., Notice of Intent Pre-Application Document (NOI/PAD), process-specific study plans and reports, Draft License Application (DLA), and Final License Application (FLA)
- Meeting facilitation
- Negotiations on license terms and conditions
- License implementation and compliance plans
- Development and management of compliance/implementation programs
- Compliance development and tracking system software
- Compliance audits and related studies
- Consistent working relationship with internal natural resources staff
- FEMA flood mapping, no-rise evaluations, CLOMR and LOMR
- FERC support and coordination for upgrade or rehab approvals