Dam Removal &
Revitalizing river systems.
From the policies to the people, we understand the challenges associated with dam removal. Our in-house scientists, geomorphologists, engineers, and construction professionals offer holistic solutions that take you from initial planning and modeling efforts through removal of the dam and post restoration efforts. We bring demonstrated experience of the license surrender and regulatory process to offer faster results―access to historic spawning grounds, improved natural flow regime, enhanced water quality, and increased safety―creating an environment where habitats flourish.
scopes of work
We've got you covered.
- Evaluation of dam removal compared to other fish passage/ecosystem restoration options
- Alternatives analysis including cost/benefit evaluations, dam safety risks, required capital improvements, O&M costs, water rights obligations, alternative sources of water, environmental impacts, and sediment management options
- FERC decommissioning plan development (including license surrender)
- Post-removal restoration plans
- Dam removal, reservoir drawdown, dewatering, and sequencing approaches
- Impounded dam solution strategies
- Mobile bed sediment transport modeling (SRH, HEC-RAS)
- Sediment management plans including removal/evacuation, disposal of contaminated soils, and re-use options
- Pre- and post-removal monitoring (e.g., bio-monitoring and flooding)
- Final design, self-performed construction, and overall program management
- Hydraulic and hydrologic analysis
- Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) modeling (Flow-3D)
- Water quality evaluations, compliance, modeling, and testing and monitoring (CE-QUAL-W2)
- Hydrosuction dredge planning and slurry design
- Geomorphic assessments/geomorphology and stable channel design
- Collaboration with multiple agencies and stakeholders (e.g., USACE, CalTrout, state and federal dam safety offices, state fish and wildlife/game agencies, tribes and first nations, USFWS, USFS, USGS, American Rivers, Trout Unlimited, public utilities, and BUREC)
- Geotechnical and geologic investigations including rock and soil mechanics, stability analysis, seepage and spillway scour analysis, reservoir rim evaluations (slopes and landslide hazards), and filter evaluations
- Gravity, pseudo-dynamic, and dynamic analysis procedures 2-D and 3-D finite element modeling
- Seismic design assessments and structural stability modeling including Finite Element Analysis (FEA/FEM), Deterministic Site Hazard Analyses (DSHA), Probabilistic Site Hazard Analyses (PSHA), response spectrum and time history techniques, cross-canyon and sliding analysis, and liquefaction potential
- Habitat suitability modeling (HEC-RAS, PHABSIM)
- Habitat feature design, large woody debris, and engineered log jams
- Permitting and regulatory support
- Erosion and sediment control
- Watershed planning
- Design of replacement functions of the dam (e.g., upgrading pump stations, expanding off-channel reservoirs, and identification of alternative water supply sources)
- Blasting, demolition, and hazardous material removal
- Construction compliance monitoring
- Fish salvage, rescue, and relocation during construction